
Beyond Crunches: How to Work Your Way to a Six-Pack

Beyond Crunches: How to Work Your Way to a Six-Pack

Anything beautiful requires work and perseverance. While you may know by now that getting a “six-pack” means doing more than crunches, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t attainable.

Everywhere you turn, there are health professionals talking about how you can get your abs ‘ripped’ in the fastest way possible. However, you cannot spot-reduce your belly fat; or, any other part of your body for that matter. It takes a combination of exercise, diet, and healthy lifestyle choices to get you on that fast track to Insta-worthy abs.

While this might not be news to you, we’ve whittled down some of the best experts’ advice on how you can work towards that flat stomach goal.

Made in the kitchen


How to Protect Your Shoulder from Injury

When you hear about exercise, you automatically think about its advantages. Exercise is associated with improved physical fitness, positive mental health, and even a direct correlation with overall life satisfaction.

All these salient benefits, however, often overshadow the ironic yet very real fact that people also risk injury when participating in physical exercise. This is not to scare anyone away from the amazing benefits of exercise, as the rewards far outweigh the risk; however, having a working knowledge of the potential risk is also an important factor to minimizing and mitigating injury while exercising.

A common injury associated with physical training is shoulder damage— a prevailing issue among those who engage in weight training and lifting exercises.

What Causes Shoulder Damage?


Top Exercise Recovery Trends You Haven’t Heard About

Most athletes spend a lot of time devising their training regimes to help keep their bodies in shape. They may include exercises that can be performed with high-intensity gym equipment like our Elite Strength System, to get the most out of a full body workout. However, top athletes and fitness enthusiasts know that there is only so much the body can endure before it collapses. Our bodies repair and strengthen in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.

Fitness Consultant Elizabeth Quinn recommends adding recovery time into training programs because “[It] is the time that the body adapts to the stress of exercise and the real training effect takes place.” Our ‘Top Fitness Trends’ post discusses high intensity body weight training, strength training, and functional fitness but all require some serious recovery time. …


Quick HIIT Bodyweight Routines

We know that a home gym is not always realistic for everyone. Maybe you’re not in a space yet that has the room, or maybe you just prefer paying for a monthly gym membership to swap sweat with everyone at a gym. (Too far?) Whatever the reason may be, what is certain is that sometimes there is just not enough time for either. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) might be your solution.

To preface this post, have you seen our blog on the benefit of just 10 minutes of exercise a day? It’s true! We’re not making that up. While the guidelines recommend that adults get a minimum of 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 min) of aerobic activity a week, these do not have to be consecutive hours of exercise. Gone are the days of one hour workout sessions, for now, we have HIIT! HIIT helps get all the heart-pounding benefits of cardio, without the extra time. Don’t forget, the guidelines also include 2 or more days of strength training. HIIT can help you there too, both using body weight and/or equipment. Keep reading for some quick routines to start (or end) your day right! 


The Jones, Not Just Another Smith

You may be wondering, what is a BODYCRAFT Jones Machine. How is it different from the traditional Smith Machine. Or thinking, I’ve used a Smith Machine for years, why change now. Stay tuned, this post will answer those thoughts and more.

We will tell you why you should avoid a Smith Machine. We will inform you of an independent study completed on a Jones Machine vs. a Smith Machine. And finally, let you know the best way to use a Jones machine to its full advantage.

To define a Smith Machine, it is an exercise piece similar to a power rack but the barbell is locked within the steel rails. This allows for only vertical or near- vertical motion. This makes any exercise on a Smith locked into a fixed plane, and does not allow for free weight or even free weight-type movement. Due to this main feature, the Smith often puts the body in unnatural positions. This can not only limit the benefits of the exercise, but may even cause injury. (More on this point later).

What Makes the Jones Machine Different?


How to Design the Perfect Home Gym

What are the benefits to having a home gym?

In today’s wellness-conscious world, there are more ways than ever to pursue healthy fitness. It can be hard, however, to fit exercise into a packed professional schedule. If you’re a busy homeowner, designing a garage or home gym might be the answer to that problem- and it is simpler than you might think. …


Row for Fitness

Have you heard people say that the rowing machine is the best cardio workout you can do? If you are one of the many who have shied away from the rowing machines at the gym, or avoided looking at one at the local fitness store, then this post is for you.  …


The Mind – Muscle Connection

Your Brain’s Role in Muscle Activation

You’ve probably heard the term, “mind muscle connection” in the gym either by trainers or bodybuilders.  It sounds like it makes sense but what does it really mean?  How do you tap into it and how do you even know if you’re doing it properly?  Listed below are a few simple ways you can dial into your mind muscle connection and get the maximum benefits from your gym time.

What is the “Mind – Muscle Connection?”


The Power of Movement

Our body is designed to move. But what movement should we add? Should we use weights or body weight? Should we stretch before or after a workout? What is the deal with static and dynamic stretching? While we will not be able to answer all questions posed here during this post, we will answer some big talking points on static and dynamic stretching and training.


First, when should we stretch? I think the answer could be, as often as possible. However, we know this is not a satisfying answer and it may lead to the “I don’t have time” syndrome. Stretching is an important aspect of not only a fitness routine, but as a part of healthy living. Stretching our muscles daily provides benefits to muscle and joints and reduces risk of injury. Just 10 minutes of added stretching to each day, or a minimum or 3 days per week, has shown support for these benefits. …

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