Your Brain’s Role in Muscle Activation
You’ve probably heard the term, “mind muscle connection” in the gym either by trainers or bodybuilders. It sounds like it makes sense but what does it really mean? How do you tap into it and how do you even know if you’re doing it properly? Listed below are a few simple ways you can dial into your mind muscle connection and get the maximum benefits from your gym time.
What is the “Mind – Muscle Connection?”
When I train my clients I tell them to put their brain into the muscle that they are isolating. I want them to feel the muscle work with every rep from start to finish. For example, if I have them doing back extensions I tell them to focus on the lower back during the movement and not let the glutes do the work. It would be very easy to let the glutes power you through the movement but if you put your brain into your lower back and focus as you drive upwards, you’re sure to feel it much more. The brain is such an amazing machine and when it’s utilized properly during weight training the benefits will surely be felt.
4 Simple Ways to Tap into your Mind – Muscle Connection
- Touch the muscle you’re working. If you’re doing a one-arm triceps extension for example, use your other hand to touch the triceps you’re working. Feel the movement and work in front of a mirror so you can also observe the motion. This helps build that mind muscle connection, when you can see and feel it.
- Bodybuilding competitors will practice posing in between sets or after a workout. This is another way you can build your connection. I don’t mean to imply you need to become a bodybuilder, but learning how to flex your muscles will teach you how to focus on each muscle group and experience the sensation when they are activated.
- When you’re lifting, don’t jerk or swing the weights while performing the exercise. Go through the movement slowly, using your mind to focus on the muscle group you’re targeting. Squeeze the muscle and feel it work. Concentrate on every single rep. Feel and witness getting that pump!
- In your mind visualize how you’d like your physique to look. Focus on that image every time you train. It’s a powerful tool when your brain and body are in sync. Write your workout regimen out before you head to the gym so you can visualize it in your mind. A positive mindset will take you far in all aspects of life.
The way we perceive ourselves carries over into everything we do on a daily basis. If you feel strong mentally and physically you will carry yourself with confidence. That confidence will spill over into every avenue of your life. You will walk with pride and people will take notice. The opposite is true as well. If you don’t have that confidence it will be visible. Your mind is a powerful tool. It can either build you up or tear you down. A strong mind -muscle connection will help you attain the body you desire. Weight training will give you that positive mindset and body image. Dial into that positive mindset every day by using your noodle.
In Good Health,
Linda M. Stephens, M.S.
Nutritionist, NASM CPT
IFBB Pro Athlete
BODYCRAFT Guest Blogger
IG: Linda Stephens IFBB Pro