Navigating Midlife: Staying Youthful & Strong As You Age

The midlife challenges we go through can seem overwhelming at times. Issues such as weight gain or muscle loss, emotional overload, bone density concerns, menopause and the list go on can take its toll over time.  Good nutrition and increased physical activity can help you address these issues and more to reveal a healthy and vibrant you.

As we age we start to lose bone mass, muscle mass and your body starts to store fat in different places.  An average woman may find as she enters menopause fat starts accumulating more around her midsection.  This “visceral” fat can cause many health issues including heart disease and high blood pressure.  Adding in physical activity is one way to combat extra fat stores and keep a healthy heart. 

Another benefit of adding in physical activity is increasing the happy hormones called endorphins.  Endorphins give you that boost in energy and mood.  Have you ever been in a bad mood?  Have you ever noticed that when you get outside and walk or hit the gym and sweat all of a sudden you feel better and realize that you can handle any issue that comes your way?  You can thank your endorphins for that.

Physical activity can become a habit once you realize how amazing you feel after and how great you look with every day.  It’s no secret that as we age we tend to become less active.  Our kids are grown and we’re moving less, especially if you have a desk job. It’s extremely important to stay active before, during and after menopause. (Side note, if you do have a desk job, take a look at the SpaceWalker. A neat little walking and standing desk option!)

There are so many other changes our bodies go through as we navigate mid life, from sleep issues to digestion issues and declines in hormones that throw off the entire balance.  A solid nutrition plan with balanced macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fat) is extremely important to keep your bodily functions on track.  Portion control is another piece of the puzzle.  A nutritionist can create what amounts work best for you based on your height, weight and other considerations.  Vitamins and minerals will also play a role in your plan.  We need more calcium and vitamin D but less iron if you’re no longer experiencing your monthly cycle.

The midlife years should be a time of self-growth, self-reflection, and self-improvement and filled with happiness.  You don’t have to endure feelings of confusion or sadness as to why your body has changed.  Learning how to embrace that change and manage it through nutrition and physical activity will mean a happier you.  Life is a precious gift and we should relish every minute.  It’s NEVER to late to change direction and take control.  Get started now on your path to health, happiness and wellness.  You’re worth it and you deserve it.

To Your Health!!
Guest Blogger Linda M. Stephens, M.S.
Nutritionist & NASM CPT
IFBB Pro Athlete

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