10 Workout Motivation Tips

workout motivation tips

There always seem to be excuses not to workout throughout the year. In November and December, you’re in holiday mode. If you’re a parent, maybe you’re dropping your kids off at school in September and don’t have the extra time for that morning workout. During the summer, perhaps you’re traveling, staying up later, or drinking a little bit too much at those wonderful summer cookouts.

Bottom line – whether your fitness routine has been interrupted, or whether you haven’t yet started your journey towards health and fitness, there will always be excuses. It’s time to drop all excuses and start doing! Here are 10 workout motivation tips to help get you started. After you read them, browse BODYCRAFT’s equipment selection and use offer code SAVE12 at checkout for special savings.

  1. Layout your workout clothes before bed if you exercise in the morning. If you prefer an evening workout, change into your clothes the minute you get home from work, or better yet, change at work and go straight to your gym before getting cozy at home.
  2. Get an accountability partner. There’s nothing like a friend who will keep you accountable and tell you the things you may not want to hear. Whether it’s a friend or a certified fitness trainer, find someone that will hold you to your goals.
  3. Listen while you exercise. Motivating music is great, but have you tried listening to podcasts or audiobooks while on the treadmill or elliptical? They help the time go by and you’ll want to get right back to it the next day so you can finish the story.
  4. Make it a competition. Whether it’s a challenge to yourself or a challenge with a friend, adding a competition element to your workout may give you a little extra motivation.
  5. Surround yourself with positive influences. Motivating people in your life that encourage your fitness journey are important. They don’t have to be people you know either. The social media accounts you follow, the shows you watch, and the cultural influences you let into your life play a significant role in your mindset.
  6. Write reminders to yourself. Write down words of encouragement or motivational phrases where you can see them each day – in your car, on the bathroom mirror, on your fridge, or at work.
  7. Establish a routine and stick to it. Do you want to workout in the morning? Does it make more sense after work? Whatever you decide, establish a weekly routine where you schedule out your exercise sessions. When it’s time to workout, you’ve put it on the schedule and you must stick to that schedule just like you would show up to work on time.
  8. Write down your goals. Not only should you write out when your fitness sessions will take place during the week, but you should write down your short and long-term goals. Put them where you can see them every day and ask yourself if you’ve made strides to meet them. Make sure to make your goals as specific and realistic as possible.
  9. Eat a balanced diet. Intaking the right foods will definitely help you feel better throughout the day and are the difference between feeling sluggish after a meal or in the mornings vs feeling energized. Pairing healthy eating habits with exercise is a huge key to success.
  10. Set up your home gym. Establish a space in your home where your workouts will take place. You don’t have to pay for gym memberships, you don’t have to drive to a remote location, and you don’t have to wait until the sweaty guy before you is done with the elliptical – your home is your gym. Set it up the way you want, then go back and follow the rest of the workout motivation tips on this list!

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