If you gained your motivation to work out by the beauty and wonder of the weather that you just had to get out in, whether you walked, ran, or rode your bike, that’s great! Don’t lose that. But for days where the weather makes you less than thrilled to even walk to your car, it’s time to bring the workouts indoors. While the view is often not as nice as a run through the metro park, there are ways to spice up an indoor workout. Grab a friend- they can be a talking buddy or a competitor. And you can get rid of the “guilty” in you guilty pleasure of Gossip Girl or Supernatural if you’re burning calories as well! As long as you have the right equipment for your needs and lifestyle, bringing cardio indoors will make a difference to your fitness level during the winter season.
You can create your own indoor gym with options like an indoor cycle, recumbent bike, rowing machine, elliptical, or treadmill. Small additions to these pieces such as an ab bench and weight rack can then add some quick strength to your indoor workout routine. Or if you want to skip the extra pieces and weight plates, go straight for a home gym option. There are many options for preferences and budgets. If you are looking for the benefits of dumbbells with the safety and convenience of a machine, then make sure the home gym you are looking into includes functional training arms. The difference these will make in your workout routine will not disappoint. Keep in mind though, a home gym is an all-inclusive version of many different exercise pieces, so the price is going to be higher than if you were just looking to get one specified exercise piece.
The convenience of having exercise equipment in your home, especially during the long winter months, is not something to be overlooked. As long as you have the motivation to use it; and, if you are here reading this and have made the commitment to lead a healthier life, then you do have that motivation. But what matters the most is to do what you enjoy. If going to the gym is your time out of the house then stick with it! Find a deal on a gym membership, a boxing class, rowing class, yoga, pilates, swimming, basketball, or indoor soccer, to name a few options. Whatever gets you moving. Choose one, choose many, mix it up. Have a class you go to along with a few pieces of equipment in your home for those really rough days. Keeping variety will help you keep your fitness goals. And remember, there’s a cup of hot cocoa and fuzzy blanket waiting for you. You will be glad you did it and proudly be able to reward yourself.
Posted by: Jennifer
Live, Laugh, Love your Body
[1] Image courtesy of tiverylucky from FreeDigitalPhotos.net