How to Maintain Your Fitness Revolution

If you read our blog earlier this year on making your New Year’s Resolution a Revolution instead of a resolution, you may now be wondering how to maintain it. Your first success was deciding to make fitness your Revolution, instead of just another resolution that falls through the cracks in a few weeks or months. However, we are at that difficult point of the year where life gets busier and motivation fades. Here are a few tips to keep your Revolution on track:

Look Back

Sometimes the best thing to do when you’re feeling discouraged is to stop and take a look back. Look back to where you started, before your fitness journey or Revolution even took place. Could you walk 1 mile on the treadmill then? Run a 5k? Did you start with those 5 lb dumbbells at the gym and now you’re using the 10 lbs? Recognize where you started, where you’re going, and where you will continue to go if you don’t stop. It is important to remember that changes take time and are not always immediately noticeable for the first few weeks, or even months. Recognize the progress you have made, not the perfection you may expect. Trust in what you’ve accomplished and keep moving forward!

Set a Goal

When you decided to start your fitness Revolution, did you set a goal? Setting a goal is key to success in any endeavor, fitness or not fitness related. Therefore, if you have not already, pause right now and write one. If you need some tips on writing a goal, take a look at one of our first blog posts on getting started with a healthier lifestyle. Did you write a goal? Did you make that goal SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific)? If not, take a few moments to re-write it. Make it specific to you and make sure there’s a time limit on when you will achieve this goal. All of these aspects of a SMART goal will help you create a goal that will motivate you!

Set a Plan

Now, you have a SMART goal so lets set a plan. Will you be able to reach your gal by working out for 30 minutes everyday? 1 hour every other day? 15 minutes three different times a day? That’s what you want to decide now. How are you going to reach your goal. What is realistic for your life? If you have a full time job and 3 kids, spending an hour to workout each day might just sound crazy. But how about taking 15 minutes to yourself a few times a day? Now that’s not so bad. You can even benefit from 10 minutes of exercise each day! Pick your time, make a plan, and stick to it! Treat your workout times like any other appointment for ultimate success.

Add Music

Do you listen to music when you exercise? If not, then add music! Music to any exercise routine can help keep you on track and motivated to push yourself. Check out some of our tips for music to add to your fitness playlist.

Maintain Optimism

Last but not least, maintain optimism. Don’t let the bad days get you down and do let the good days keep you going. We all have bad exercise days. Some days the weight just feel heavier than others and those days it’s important to remember, that’s OK. You still got in the gym, you are still bettering yourself and improving your health. Even a sub-par workout is better than none at all. You’re even getting some exercise benefits you may not know about. It is the happiness in life that keeps us going so continue your journey, be happy, and never let yourself give up.

Congratulations for your continued fitness Revolution! Keep up the good work and know you are not alone. Let BODYCRAFT help you succeed in your Revolution with home fitness equipment you’ll want to use. Skip the drive, skip the germs, and create your own home gym today.

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