Read After Testing Your Fitness Knowledge!

As we all think about our 2016 fitness plan, being able to answer all the questions discussed in our last blog post will help you succeed! It’s important to know your fitness status and what it all means. Test yourself first and then check your answers with the ones below.

1. Yes, you should be able to talk. If you can’t, then you are not breathing correctly.
2. Yes, you should increase your weight by 5% if you are consistently completing 12-15 repetitions. This will allow for quicker muscle growth.
3. Maximum Heart Rate is 220-age. You may not feel well if your heart rate reaches that number. Target Heart Rate is your comfortable elevated heart rate.
4. Breath out
5. Compounding means using a lot of muscle groups at the same time; examples are leg press, chest press, bent over row, lat pull down
6. Aerobic means with oxygen- you can stay in that zone for 20-40 minutes. Anaerobic means without oxygen- can only stay in that zone for a few minutes.
7. Yes, the longer the muscle the more agility movements it can handle which is another aspect of strength.
8. Stretching should always be done with warm muscles. You can stretch after 5 minutes of cardio or simply at the end of your workout.
9. If you complete cardio first, then you are emphasizing weight loss. If you complete strength first, then you are emphasizing strength.
10. Typically 4 weeks

Written by Guest Fitness Blogger and CPT Michele Cannell

Read more of Michele’s work at her site!

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