Why this Year Begins Your Revolution

It’s Not a Resolution, It’s a Revolution

We all hear it over and over again this time of year, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”  Whether the response is something you came up with on the spot or have been thinking on for weeks, keeping a resolution is never an easy task. Even harder to keep seems to be the fitness related resolutions. An estimated 66% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions to get fit, and of those, 73% give up on the resolution before hitting their goal. Even more staggering is that half of those who make a fitness resolution abandon it within 6 weeks or less of the New Year. That’s why this year we have decided to say: Don’t make another resolution, start a revolution.

The first step is to change how you think about a resolution to change it into a personal revolution. Think back to the last resolution you made to “Eat healthier” or “Get in shape” or even “Start a fitness program.”  While these are all good resolutions, your revolution needs to include a how statement or plan of action. Your 2018 revolution will help you live healthier by stating how to eat healthier, when to exercise more, and will allow for a positive attitude. So let’s grab the year with both hands and say, “This is MY healthy lifestyle revolution!”

Remember, the key is to make sure each revolution statement includes how. How you are going to increase your physical activity and when: I will exercise 10 minutes every day starting January 2nd.  Just 10 minutes of exercise a day will benefit you, and you will feel the difference. Once that 10 minutes becomes a habit, slowly add time aiming to get up to 1 hour of exercise most days.

Already have a fitness routine started? That’s awesome! Now, take it to the next step. Always aim for progress and improvement. One way to do this is to know what aerobic zone to exercise in and why. Then, don’t forget to continue to change it up! Check out our other blogs under Build for tips and suggestions on getting the most from your strength training routine and more.  If running, rowing, or biking is more your scene, we have a Cardio category as well!

Make it a Total Lifestyle Revolution

Now, you’re ready to pair exercise with healthy eating habits for a total lifestyle revolution. Not only will eating clean in 2018 help your lifestyle changes, but focusing on managing portion sizes will kick those efforts up to a whole new level!

To round out your lifestyle revolution, you must embrace the importance of a positive attitude. To help you on the way, here are five simple steps to becoming a happier person today. We also know post-Holiday stress can put a damper on all discussion of your lifestyle revolution. From exercise to food to attitude, here are some quick tips to help with your holiday stress relief.

Seize Your Motivation

Finally, recognize where you are most motivated to exercise. We all know the headache of the crowded gyms in the New Year. Maybe this is the year to bring the gym to you! A home gym eliminates any excuses to avoid the gym due to crowds, traffic, and weather. And, think of the germs you avoid when you exercise at home. Still not sure where you motivation lies? Here are a few more thoughts to help you decide if a home gym or a gym membership would better fit your needs.

Bottom line, the constant pressure to have a New Year’s resolution can make throwing in the towel early feel like the best option for your sanity. Don’t let 2018 start off with the usual frustrations and struggles. This year, don’t just make another empty resolution, embrace a lifestyle revolution. Let BODYCRAFT help you start, maintain, and succeed in a healthier lifestyle.

Shop our cardio equipment the month of January and receive 25% off using coupon code NEW25 at checkout.  Live fit, live active, live BODYCRAFT fit.

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