

Lifting Safety: Tips to Stay in the Game

The world of weightlifting is an exciting one. In this world, the illustrious nature of a beefy new max often sits paramount to all else. Sometimes, this goal overrules all other aspects of weightlifting, including safety. While seasoned weightlifters will have safety embedded into their training routines, not everyone can say the same. Here, we jump into some safety tips for lifting to help keep you in the game.

Be smart

Very much a blanket statement, but a great rule of thumb. We will touch on all of these below, but some important general rules are: increase your weight slowly, focus on balance both while training and while creating your training plan, use spotters whenever you can, and give your body rest.


Your Sleep, Your Health

Why is sleep so important to a healthy lifestyle?

We have all heard them: get your sleep; sleep is important; 8 hours a night minimum. But how many of us actually take these words to heart, and how many give them the ‘smile and nod’ treatment? Just like so many other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, it takes more than just hearing about the importance of sleep; it takes hearing it (yes, over and over), reading it, and becoming an informed consumer of it. So here is just a little more information on the topic of sleep to help nudge you in the direction of your health and fitness goal. …


Definition and Benefits of Functional Training

Definition of  Functional Training

As we touched upon earlier, a quick definition of Functional Training is simply training that makes every day tasks easier. We state this as ‘Train The Way You Move’. We feel that is the best way to sum up functional training.

Since all of us will move differently, functional training is very person specific. Depending on what activities you are involved in, different functional training exercises will be more appropriate than others.

Often times functional training goes hand in hand with sports training- incorporating moves that will help you run faster, jump higher, have better control of your balance, increase your core strength, or even develop a stronger golf swing. …


Cardio vs. Strength Training No More

It is time to dissolve the stereotypes of cardio as ONLY a girls workout and strength training as ONLY a guys workout. Let’s be active advocates for change. Male or female, anyone can take part. So what is the answer to this full-fledged dilemma?  Circuit Training.


Five Keys to Fitness Training Success

Day after day we sweat it out in the gym. No matter how tired we are. How long the day at the office was. Or how fast that big deadline is coming up. We stick it out. And we only ask for one thing in return.


Bigger muscles, greater strength, a more toned physique.

But no matter how much you bench, how long you spend on the stair climber, or the number of cycling classes attended, results are hard to come by. …


Eating Clean: What does this mean?

Image courtesy of  zirconicusso from

In our first post I listed “eating clean” as one of the simple points to living a healthy life. Lets now go into more depth on what “eating clean” really means. And it does not simply mean to wash your food, although that     never hurts, especially when           [1] preparing fruits and vegetables!

 [2]   The first mantra to eating clean is BE RID OF THE JUNK FOOD. Image courtesy of  lamnee from FreeDigitalPhotos.netWhile this may seem to be common sense, it often takes more than that to accept it. It takes reading it, hearing it, and practicing it. Processed, high chemical content, high sugar content, and high fat content foods are not a part of an eating clean ‘diet’. I’m careful with using the word ‘diet’ here because that often has negative connotations associated with putting the lock on all enjoyable foods.That is not what I intend to do here. My goal is to give you a resource to turn to on clean eating. …


What is Your Heart Telling You?

Now that we have described the basics of cardio, made a goal, and have made a decision to be dedicated, it is a good time to go more in-depth on heart rate. It is important to know that not only do you need to get your heart rate above its resting rate for a cardio workout, but it needs to reach what is called the aerobic zone. The aerobic zone is a heart rate (HR) that is 55% to 85% of your max HR. You can go above 85%, but caution is advised in doing so for your own safety.

So how do you figure out if you are working hard enough to reach this zone? The simple answer is, to take your pulse. Do this directly after, or during, your workout to determine if you are working out with the appropriate intensity or if you need to increase or decrease your intensity to reach your HR goal. …


How Should I Be Training? Overview of Different Training Styles

Everywhere you look you’ll hear about a different style of fitness training. It might seem like overkill, which some of it is. But not all of it.

We all have a different end goal in mind when it comes to fitness, and therefore will need to take a different route to get there. Below you will find overviews of the more popular training styles around today, along with their associated benefits. See which styles are most aligned with your fitness goals and implement them into your workout plans. …


Weight Room Lingo

How can you ever expect to walk the walk if you can’t talk the talk? A fitness lifestyle involves learning new exercise habits, diets, and levels of determination. All of these will have their own words and jargon that you can expect to encounter.

This list will help you decipher what all of these things mean, and why there are important. If there are any terms that you feel we may have missed, or would like us to explain, please leave it in the comments. We will hook you up.

Happy Reading, Happy Lifting.


I’ll Huff, and I’ll Puff, and I’ll be Out of Shape No More!

It is time to save the huffing and puffing for the big bad wolf. Let’s learn about cardio!

Q: What is cardio?

A: Cardio is any type of activity that gets your heart rate up above its resting rate.

Q: Is there a benefit to cardio workouts?

A: Cardio workouts strengthen the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system consists of your heart and blood vessels. A stronger cardiovascular system pumps more blood throughout your body and to your heart, which creates better circulation of oxygen and nutrients. It is important to remember the heart is a muscle that needs exercised and strengthened. A stronger heart pumps more blood, leading to a healthier you.

Q: Do you have to run for cardio exercise? …


Welcome to the World of Training

Depending on who you ask, the human body has between 640 and 800 muscles. That’s a lot of real estate when it comes to the world of fitness. While we all have the same muscles, what we aspire to do with them varies wildly.

Your fitness routine will look very different if you are training for a competitive 10k than if you are trying to hoist 315 on the bench. Your weight lifting programs and diet will differ if you are going out for the swim team than if you’re going out for football. Maybe you want to begin doing yoga to help reduce lower back pain, or maybe you strive to walk for 20 minutes three times a week. …


Laying the Groundwork for Strength Training

In one way or another, it’s the goal that all lifters share – get stronger. Some want the big chiseled chest and bulging biceps. Or maybe, toned, strong legs and sculpted backside is your objective. Who doesn’t want the ripped abs?



No matter why we lift, we expect results. We want to look better and lift heavier weights (both in the gym and in everyday life).

As any seasoned lifter will tell you, getting stronger is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. It takes time, dedication, and the ability to find motivation on a daily basis. Many people throw around the phrase ‘a fitness lifestyle’ because that’s what is required. Making changes to every phase of your life, from your training to your diet, sleep patterns to your mental approach. …

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