
4 Moves to Craft Your Core

Everyone and everything says to work out our core, but do you truly know the definition of core? The core is your lower back, your abdominals, your hips, your glutes and your pelvis. Most exercise enthusiasts think if they lie on the floor and complete a few crunches and maybe F670do a few super-mans they have engaged their core enough. Crunches and super-mans will work a few of the core muscles but not all of them. One way to engage every muscle group of the core is to use a Hyper-Extension/ Roman Chair. Your hips are the pivot point for the whole piece but your body can be positioned so many different ways. With a simple 10-15 minute program, you will develop a strong core. …


CRAFTing 2015: Make This Year’s Resolutions Stick

New Years Eve. A time to reflect on the year that was, and look forward to the year ahead. Many of us will set resolutions to better ourselves. Less than 10% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions successfully complete them. However, those who set resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than people who do not set resolutions.

This year, we want to help you CRAFT your goals for 2015, to help give you the best chance to get in the <10% of people who achieve their New Years Resolutions.


Train Through The Holidays This Year

Oh the Holidays. All of the good times with family and friends, holiday cheer, and delicious food. Time seems to speed up in December, doesn’t it? With so much to do, some things often seem to slip through the cracks, one of them being your fitness training. However, that should not be the case.

With endless holiday parties filled with 2,000+ calorie encounters, if anything your fitness should become even more important. With so many time constraints, working out sometimes seems to be an after thought. But realizing that these final weeks can make or break all of the work you’ve done in 2014, maybe this year should be a little different.

Here are four mocking birds … I mean tips for maintaining your fitness during the holidays.


The Fast Track to Avoid Hoilday Weight Gain: High Intensity Interval Training

The holidays are a magical time, spent with family, friends, and food. Memories are made and cheer is spread throughout the land.

With all of the gatherings, decorating, and shopping, time seems to fly by.

An area that often seems to get neglected during the holidays is our fitness. Who has time to sweat it out for two hours in the gym when there is so much that needs to be done? If only there was a way to workout for shorter periods of time and achieve the same, or even better, results.


Five Keys to Fitness Training Success

Day after day we sweat it out in the gym. No matter how tired we are. How long the day at the office was. Or how fast that big deadline is coming up. We stick it out. And we only ask for one thing in return.


Bigger muscles, greater strength, a more toned physique.

But no matter how much you bench, how long you spend on the stair climber, or the number of cycling classes attended, results are hard to come by. …


How Should I Be Training? Overview of Different Training Styles

Everywhere you look you’ll hear about a different style of fitness training. It might seem like overkill, which some of it is. But not all of it.

We all have a different end goal in mind when it comes to fitness, and therefore will need to take a different route to get there. Below you will find overviews of the more popular training styles around today, along with their associated benefits. See which styles are most aligned with your fitness goals and implement them into your workout plans. …


Welcome to the World of Training

Depending on who you ask, the human body has between 640 and 800 muscles. That’s a lot of real estate when it comes to the world of fitness. While we all have the same muscles, what we aspire to do with them varies wildly.

Your fitness routine will look very different if you are training for a competitive 10k than if you are trying to hoist 315 on the bench. Your weight lifting programs and diet will differ if you are going out for the swim team than if you’re going out for football. Maybe you want to begin doing yoga to help reduce lower back pain, or maybe you strive to walk for 20 minutes three times a week. …

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